

陳百強First Love的浪漫

Once upon a dream
When this world ain't what it seems
My love and I lived inside a smile
The time was nigh
We broke down and we cried
Refriending dragonflies
Lullabyes and funny little rides
We'd spend the night time
Counting countless stars
Choking on our stolen first cigar
There is no reason no rhyme
No need of keeping track of time
A life just passing and life just beginning
First love ensnared my mind
Wonderland was waiting
Butterflies went fluttering by
We wore our raincoats standing in the sun
One by one
Good times had just begun
Quite lost in a trance
My love and I lost in a loving dance
Turning around and turning again
Never knowing it had to end
There is no future no past
Your first love won't be your last
First love don't last oh no it won't last
But it's worthwhile remembering when
There is no future no past
Your first love won't be your last
First love don't last oh no it won't last
But it's worthwhile remembering when

這首歌浪漫的原因,是因為有很多場面:「My love and I lived inside a smile」、「We'd spend the night time counting countless stars」、「Choking on our stolen first cigar」、「We wore our raincoats standing in the sun」、「My love and I lost in a loving dance」、「Turning around and turning again」等等。歌詞寫的是主角認為初戀已經逝去了,他非常期盼將來的事,但卻不自覺地重複又重複回憶起初戀的一些情景,看蜻蜓、玩樂、看星、抽雪茄、跳舞等等,然後他說,回憶起這些事,都是美好的,他對逝去的戀情,就是有一種複雜的情感,事實是已經過去了,但無法不懷念。


陳百強的語言智慧,把浪漫的氣氛推到極致,「We'd spend the night time counting countless stars」、「We wore our raincoats standing in the sun」、「Turning around and turning again」,聽到這幾句,心都溫暖起來。

